Securing The Future: How Out-Of-School-Time STEM Supports National Defense And The Science And Technology Workforce

Our world is increasingly interconnected and digitally driven, ushering in a new era of challenges and opportunities.

As technology continues to shape our present and future, meaningful investments in science, technology, engineering and math—STEM—have become indispensable for driving innovation, while safeguarding economic prosperity and national security.


Our national defense systems must adapt to rapidly increasing technological changes as we combat cyber threats, advance military technologies and navigate emerging global conflicts. Simultaneously, the STEM workforce faces an urgent demand for highly skilled professionals to stay competitive in an era in which technology adaptation continues to grow as a key driver of business. To meet these demands, we must look to our nation’s youth, who represent future innovators and leaders who will address these challenges.

U.S. students lag behind in STEM skills and knowledge when compared to global peers, with evidence that “the U.S. has the worst-educated workforce in the industrialized world.” However, this is not for a lack of interest. A 2023 survey showed that a majority of American K-12 students are interested in STEM-related careers, including areas of critical and emerging technologies such as biotechnology or AI; but, one-third of these students say their school is not preparing them for a STEM future.


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Educators agree, with nearly 40% expressing that U.S. schools are not adequately preparing students for future jobs. For example, the average American student is 15-24 weeks behind in math, a foundational competency fueling most STEM fields.

Out-of-school time (OST) learning environments are some of the best ways to address these issues and develop the talent we need to bolster our national security against evolving threats while also cultivating a resilient, inclusive and technologically adept workforce.




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Here are three reasons why leaders should invest more in out-of-school learning spaces.

Invest In Building Skills

Important skills such as critical thinking, teamwork, problem-solving and communication are advanced in afterschool. These skills are not only highly sought after in the workforce, but also are essential for addressing complex challenges related to national security. By prioritizing investments in OST STEM programs, business and philanthropic leaders can invest in a future for our country that yields growth, innovation and safety.

In a recent testimony before the House Committee on Armed Services subcommittee on Cyber, Information Technologies, and Innovation on Industry Perspectives on Defense Innovation and Deterrence, President and CEO of Lockheed Martin, Jim Taiclet, shared more about why Lockheed Martin has decided to invest more in out-of-school programs and partners. Taiclet said:

“The success of the [Defense Industrial Base] and its members starts and ends with people. By leveraging our employees’ unique talents and experiences, we deliver innovation, affordable solutions, and unparalleled customer value. For that reason, we invest heavily in advancing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education for our employees and potential talent, including high school students and postsecondary and adult learners. We have a wide range of internal programs like internships, apprenticeships, and university-sponsored research, as well as external partnerships with Hiring our Heroes, DOD’s SkillBridge Program, Project Lead the Way, CodePath, Million Girls Moonshot, and more, contributing to a robust, skilled workforce for the DIB.”

Career Exploration At Pace

The defense sector has the most need for workers with strong capacity in data, analytics, and automation. A big challenge for employers has been the inability of academic institutions to keep up with the pace of technological changes.

Out-of-school time programs offer a flexible environment to spark a child’s interest and curiosity in STEM subjects and careers, in real time. Corporate and philanthropic leaders can support a skilled defense workforce by investing more in organizations that use a collaborative approach to advance the right solutions. Working with organizations operating at a systems level amplifies impact at scale.

For example, my company, STEM Next, partners with experts like Black Girls Code, and Girls Who Code to make specialized learning opportunities available to more students nationwide. To build student competency in high-need areas like computer science and information technology, STEM Next disseminates expert resources, along with professional development opportunities from additional partners like Click2Computer Science, to afterschool programs—big and small—in all 50 states by leveraging the 50 State Afterschool Network. A trusted partner to navigate the number of resources available, as well as address the gaps in learning, is instrumental in promptly moving the needle.

More Equity Leads To New Perspectives

Representation in STEM fields continues to be a serious challenge. Women make up half of the total U.S. college-educated workforce, but less than one-third of the science and engineering workforce. Latinx and African-American women make up less than 3%.

Afterschool is particularly effective at helping students, especially girls and youth of color, develop a sense of belonging and STEM identity. A big part of that can be achieved through mentorship and STEM career exposure, which helps dispel stereotypes about who can do STEM and piques their interest in STEM careers.

Businesses have a lot to contribute to our national security by investing their time and expertise in OST programming. By serving as STEM role models, corporate leaders can give students more insight into STEM careers, including skills that are transferable to the defense sector, as well as support student competency in foundational areas

A comprehensive approach to STEM education is necessary to develop a talented workforce for economic growth and national security. Leaning into afterschool as a safe and effective extended learning environment can open up career opportunities for future innovators who have been historically underserved and ensure our national security strategies have the best and brightest minds from all backgrounds working towards solutions.

From fostering excitement to making connections to the real world, OST STEM keeps students engaged in building foundational STEM skills that maintain our competitive edge and expand the technological advancements and strategic thinking necessary for our national security.

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